Print maping tool Windows printer mapping to disable client Windows printer. Group Policy overrides the configuration set with the Terminal Services Configuration tool. Explore your world with map themes, data, and tools for customizing your map. This tool will help resolve Terminal Server Printer Redirection errors by scanning the event log of a Terminal Server to create a custom mapping file for administrators. Free Map Tools. An online resource that enables visitors to easily and quickly use maps in order to measure, search and overlay mark-up elements on maps for a wide. Windows printer mapping to disable client Windows printer. Group Policy overrides the configuration set with the Terminal Services Configuration tool. Radius Around Point. You can use this tool to find the radius around a point on the map. First type in the radius required in kilometers or miles and then click on. Tools for plotting latitude, longitude and UTM coordinates on many different scales of topographic maps. For users, determining the location of printers in large organizations that use nonintuitive printer-naming conventions is frustrating. The scripting tool. Welcome to, your one-stop location for tools, applications, and add-ins for Microsoft® MapPoint® and Caliper® Maptitude®.